拾起手中画笔,共赴春天之约 -- 南京河西外国语学校第八届外语节初一年级“云旅游”海报作品一览




Shanghai, one of my favorite cities, is the one I often travel to on holiday before the epidemic broke out. But now, although Shanghai is so close to Nanjing, there is no way to visit it. So I can only dream of it in this way. How I wish to visit it again!

The title of my poster is “Where do you want to go?” In this particular case, staying at home also can see the world. The poster shows the city I want to go to -- Beijing. I hope to visit the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, and taste the delicious Beijing roasted duck. I hope to take photos of the scenic spots in Beijing. I hope my poster can let everyone feel the unique charm of cloud tourism.

Although we have to stay at home for the winter vacation, we all believe things will get better! So, when spring comes, I’m going to visit Hong Kong. Look at the beautiful view of Disneyland, the Hong kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge and so on. I can feel the prosperity of our great motherland. Dear friends, spring has come, I am sure that victory will belong to all mankind!


I feel so happy after receiving the assignment of making this poster. As my winter holiday in Australia fit well with the theme of this poster, I choose some of my experiences during the travel to make this poster. Firstly, I recalled some unique tourist spots and cute animals, and then I found some photos taken there. Next, I wrote a few words to introduce those photos. Finally, a fantastic poster was done. If I have another chance, I will visit Australia again.

I just went to Japan in January. The scenery there was so beautiful that it has deeply attracted me. I could never forget! However, it was not long before I came back to China when the epidemic broke out. I couldn't go out. Since I really want to go to this beautiful place again, I designed several places I really wanted to visit in Japan on this poster. I used a lot of elements suitable for the tourism style.

This holiday is very special because we can’t travel. Then how can we browse around the world at home? We can see the world through cloud tourism. The country I want to introduce to you this time is Tokyo, Japan. Because this is the most impressive place I have ever visited. Have a look at my poster, I believe you can see my love for this beautiful place!

通过这次“云旅游” 海报大赛,同学们的梦想插上了翅膀,飞向祖国大好河山,遨游于世界各地。读万卷书,行万里路。就让我们怀揣梦想,在这充满希望的春天展翅翱翔!